Outsmart the competition

Start offering unique AI-powered services in just 30 days

We teach B2B agencies and freelance marketers how to offer unique services their competition lacks. All are focused on scaling unique content that sounds human.

Are you the first to implement them?

AI enables new marketing services.

If one piece of content transforms into 23 with a click of a button, you can completely change the way you work with your clients.

Value > billable hours

With Unifire you can transform one piece of content into countless other formats. This will help you scale the value your clients will receive. You can use this to level up as a freelancer.

Creativity > Quantity

The added efficiency will help you refocus on the craft. A few masterpieces, deep knowledge content and unique insights can be scaled everywhere. Focus on content value instead of quantity.

Thought leadership scaled

Unifire enables things like e-book writing by simply uploading multiple recordings such as podcasts or webinar series. This opens up an entirely new design space for thought-leadership pieces.

Multi-channel strategies

Distribute one message across multiple channels for your clients. Conquer LinkedIn, newsletters and blogs with minimal additional efforts.

Ambitious content strategies

Many content strategies fail because they are too big and too ambitious. And after the enthusiasm, quality degrades over time. With Unifire, you can better plan your resources and focus on visual design, storytelling and branding.

Make your marketing business scalable & recurring

All of these services are long-term, recurring revenue & productized services. We developed these ideas based on the problems our customers encounter every day and what partners tell us.

“My new service proposal focuses on the two things I can do best: Community building and LinkedIn content creation, which includes designing strategies and guiding clients to a few brilliant content pieces!

Chris Koronowski

Founder @ Web3Doers, Growth Advisor @Unifire.ai