Tweet Template

Do not pursue Tweet Template

Use this Tweet template to advise against pursuing a certain role or environment if one has specific traits, suggesting these traits are better suited for a different setting and not for high responsibility.

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Why this Tweet Template works

Understand why the template works and how it can fit into your content mix.

This content template is effective for several reasons:

  1. It immediately grabs attention by challenging the reader’s self-perception and suitability for a specific role or environment, which sparks curiosity and self-reflection. This approach is engaging because it personalizes the message, making it more relevant to the individual.
  2. The template suggests an alternative where the reader’s traits would be more valued, which not only softens the initial blow but also provides constructive advice. This balance between critique and guidance is compelling and can foster a positive response from the audience.

The Blank Tweet Template

Copy and adjust this template to your own needs.

Do not pursue [Type of Role or Environment] if you possess [Specific Trait Combination].

That combination has its place. It just needs to be in a [Different Type of Environment or Role]. And not in a position of [Level of Responsibility or Influence].

How to use this Twitter Tweet Template

Learn how to personalise this Tweet template for your own content creation.

Evaluate how the template fits your content goals and needs
To effectively use the template “”Do not pursue [Type of Role or Environment] if you possess [Specific Trait Combination],”” start by identifying your content goals. If your aim is to guide your audience in career or personal development, this template can be highly relevant. It helps in setting clear boundaries and expectations for specific roles or environments, making it ideal for content focused on professional growth, self-awareness, and personal suitability for different career paths.

Audience awareness within the context of the Buyer’s Jury
Understanding where your audience stands in the Buyer’s Jury is critical. This template is most effective for individuals who are problem aware or solution aware. They might recognize that they’re not achieving their desired success in their current role or environment but might not understand why. This template helps by providing a clear connection between personal traits and professional environments, guiding the audience towards more suitable roles where their traits are strengths, not weaknesses.

Personalization is key to making this template resonate with your audience. Tailor the [Specific Trait Combination] and [Type of Role or Environment] to reflect the common characteristics and challenges faced by your audience. For instance, if your audience consists of creative professionals, you might frame the template to discuss the mismatch of highly creative individuals in highly structured, rule-bound environments. This approach ensures the message feels relevant and directly speaks to the audience’s experiences and challenges.

Modern trends
Incorporating modern trends into your content can significantly increase its appeal and relevance. For this template, consider the latest shifts in the job market, emerging roles, or the growing importance of certain soft skills. Highlighting how traditional traits valued in past decades are now being reconsidered can make your content timely. For example, the rise of remote work and digital nomadism could be a trend to discuss in relation to independence and self-motivation traits.

Call to Action (CTA)
A clear CTA is essential to guide your audience on what to do next after reading your content. For this template, your CTA could encourage readers to assess their own traits and consider if they’re in the right role or environment. Alternatively, you could invite them to sign up for a webinar on finding the perfect career fit or to download a guide on maximizing their unique traits in the workplace. The key is to offer a next step that helps them apply the insights from your content to their own lives.